
Sunday, June 24, 2007

Facts About Fat

From Jennifer R. Scott,
Your Guide to
Weight Loss.

What is Fat?

Dietary fat is a vital nutrient our bodies need for health and daily functioning. As an energy source, it supplies essential fatty acids for growth, healthy skin, vitamin-absorption and regulation of bodily functions (Dietary Fats).

Fat is the most calorie-dense food energy source; it contains nine calories per gram while carbohydrates or protein each provide only four per gram.

Fat is also essential to keeping you feeling full (satiated) (Dietary Fats), but too much fat leads to weight gain. This is due to the fact that eating more fat leads to eating more calories (Dietary Fats).

Where Does Fat Go?

Fat is stored predominantly in the body as adipose tissue, but it is also contained in plasma and other cells. Energy is stored in fat deposits and they insulate the body, providing support and cushioning for the organs.

Where Does it Come From?

According to the USDA, "Many foods in the milk group and in the meat and beans group (which includes eggs and nuts, as well as meat, poultry, and fish) are also high in fat, as are some processed foods in the grain group (Choose a Diet)."
The FDA and USDA recommend a diet that provides no more than 30 percent of total calories from fat (Choose a Diet). Examples are:

  • 1,600 calories = 53 grams fat or less
  • 2,200 calories = 73 grams of fat or less
  • 2,800 calories = 93 grams of fat or less

Different Fats

Poly/Monounsaturated and Saturated Fat

There are different types of fat and you may often hear of saturated fats and trans fats, as both are unfavorable in large quantities.

The 2005 Dietary Guidelines recommend that only 10 percent or less of your daily calorie intake should be from saturated fats. Full-fat dairy foods, meat, certain oils are all sources of saturated fat (Choose a Diet), as are bakery products.

According to researchers at Harvard University, "...bad fats, meaning saturated and trans fats, increase the risk for certain diseases while good fats, meaning monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, lower the risk. The key is to substitute good fats for bad fats (Fats)."

The Guidelines recommend most of the fats we consume be polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat. These can be found in fish, nuts and some oils, such as olive oil and peanut oil.


Cholesterol is not actually a fat, but a fat-like substance that is also neccessary to the body, but in excess it can lead to heart problems. While some occurs naturally in the body, cholesterol can also be consumed in animal foods such as beef and shellfish. A high level of cholesterol in the blood is a major risk factor for coronary heart disease, which leads to heart attack, and also increases the risk of stroke. (American Heart Association)

The FDA suggests on food labels that we consume no more than 300 mg of cholesterol daily.

Trans Fat

Trans fat is found in foods such as crackers and baked goods. French fries, donuts and other commercialyl fried foods are major sources of trans fat as well.

Trans fats result from adding hydrogen to vegetable oils used in commercial baked goods and for cooking in most restaurants and fast-food chains. (American Heart Association) It's also found naturally occuring in some animal and dairy foods. The American Heart Association recommends trans fat intake should not exceed 1 percent of total calories each day (American Heart Association).


"Fats & Cholesterol: Nutrition Source". Harvard School of Public Health. 31 Oct 2006 .

Mayo Clinic Dietary Fats: Know Which Types to Choose. Mayo Clinic. 31 Oct 2006 <>.

American Heart Association: Scientific Position on Fat. American Heart Association. 31 Oct 2006. .

"Dietary Fats and Fat Replacements". International Food Informaton Council. 31 Oct 2006. .

"Choose a Diet Low in Fat/Box 10". U.S. Department of Agricculture. 31 Oct 2006 .

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